Our number one priority is that we want you to enjoy your swimming or water polo in safety.
As a club, we all have an important part to play in maintaining the health, safety and well being of ourselves and our fellow members. If you have any concerns about your own swimmer/s or any swimmer within the club, please contact our Welfare Team as soon as possible by completing a Raising Awareness form (below) and emailing it to us. All contact will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Our email: welfare@midsussexmarlins.org
Raising Awareness Form – Public Version final
Raising Awareness Form – Staff Version final
Mid Sussex Marlins aims to provide a safe environment for all its swimmers and players during all its activities.
Any individual working with children (our welfare team, teachers, coaches & volunteers) will have a current DBS in place and have completed the ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport’ course, recognised by Swim England’s Wavepower. In addition, the Club’s Welfare Officers have completed the ‘Time to Listen’ course run by the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit.
The Welfare Team fully acknowledge that they are unable to deal with every eventuality and if an issue is particularly complex, the club can call upon the professional support of Swim England.
Welfare FAQs (to follow)
We operate a ‘code of conduct’ policy for all Parents, Members, Swimmers, Teachers, Coaches and Officials. Please see below for Code of Conducts..
Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians
Code of Conduct for Coaches and Teachers
Code of Conduct for board members, officials & Volunteers
We follow the Swim England Wavepower Child safeguarding policy and procedures for clubs.
Safeguarding LGBTQ+ young people in sport:-
- ‘Be Safe, Be Happy’ Leaflet for Children Safeguarding leaflet for children
- Health Fact Sheets: Swim England’s Health Commission group have developed a range of fact sheets on swimming with health conditions. Please click on ‘digital library’ (within the following link, under ‘Health Fact Sheets’) to access Fact Sheets written for individual swimmers (‘Fact Sheets for Swimmers’). https://www.swimming.org/swimengland/health-and-wellbeing/
- More useful health information can be found at https://www.swimming.org/justswim/get-healthier/swimming-with-health-conditions/
If you think your child has any concerns but is having difficulty talking about them then pass them this leaflet.
2017 04 ASA Child Power Leaflet
DBS Authorisation Manager & Verifier: Lorraine Moore